Hunting warmachines, lone characters, and sometimes monsters/chariots. Make sure they can't get charged on the first turn but are close enough to...
I have already purchased 2 models this year, so at least 3 to paint... My immediate goal is to finially finish my EotG and to finish my unit of 6...
That is a very cool looking Chakax! Great work.
Nah, too many points spent on a combat character that essentially has no combat items. He now becomes ok at combat and ok at magic, but you really...
The EOTG should never be sent into combat on its own unless it is a very small unit that you can almost destroy outright. Throw it in at the same...
No we don't at the moment, but it is something that has been brought up before. We might have to look at implementing something to make it easier...
It was a molder themed army. So nowhere near as powerful as Skaven can get, but a bit of a step up from what he usually fields. As I mentioned,...
Page 85 says Monsters get thunderstomp, page 157 says stegadons are monsters.
I finally got to test my death Slann against a mid-strong skaven army last night. It had 2 big units of rat ogres, a big unit of giant rats,...
Depends on how dark overall you want them to look. I think black and a bright colour might look a little bit odd depending on how it was done, so...
Sure looks like a point that could go either way. Personally when I played I did not allow excess overkill wounds to potentially give me more...
Yeah warmaster models are 15mm, so they are quite small and chances are you will not be able to use the model in your WH army...
Yep there are currently some server issues which we are looking at fixing. Its also why the board was down yesterday.
If most of your line is out of charge range (I often find opponents like to move up but out of range so they can get the charge or force you to...
Of course GW staff will swear by it.. They are trying to sell it. I have heard mixed reviews, some people say it is crap and others like it. Don't...
As far as I know, most of it is scratch built. Hirst Arts sells molds so you can make 'bricks' to build scenery out of plaster or resin, I think a...
I don't think the engine is really as effective in 8th ed... You need to mostly shape your army around it, it will weaken your magic, and it only...
There are many many types of lizards, some are incredibly fast and agile while others are slow and rely more on scaring other animals. Skinks...
You make it sound like a LM army is weak without magic support... Not many armies get 4+ armour, T4 on their basic troops. Even less get to dish...
Ethereal just treat all terrain as open. If they cannot move through opponent units, they cannot move through their own since undead units are not...