In the 500 pts army u should drop one of the saurus blocks and bring plus one unit SCOUT skinks and the left points spend on saurus warriors. In...
The second list is better, i think. It's very fast, only the sauruses slow it. It will be a weird advice but: i think u should drop the saurus...
I think u should give spears the sauruses that defend the slann But its pretty solid list :)
I agree with SohCahToa that you should drop one of the kroxies and make some scouts! And i think you should put a mark of quetzl or/and sotek on...
This guy surely takes a butcher and a bruiser, one unit leadblecher and no gnoblars (!), so i fitted for a very little number CC oriented OK army....
Well, i was thinking to drop one of the riders and put the scimitar to the hero. And i will get plus 10 ponts for 1 :D skink skirmisher. Would it...
I' ve made this list exactly against ogres and i'm looking forward what will he do with this army :D Unluckly i have no kroxies but the CO riders...
Hi' I will play against stinky ogres and i will bring a very mobile-fast moving army with a lots of skinks and scor? Any ideas?
I think it's a pretty solid ist. My first lizard list was almost the same :D But I think you should make one of the skink units scout! Good luck!
Hi! Here's my new lizardmen armylist, it's not a very serious list but i want to give it a try, plz comment! Heroes: Scar-vet on CO: Itzl, Tepok,...