cool I never would have thought of this. I think i'll have to try it!
wow thanks for input all. Now i just need to buy some primer XD
oh but what makes black undercoat faster if they are both spray?
The lizard i plan to base my skinks off is called the sand lizard. Its in a family classified as true lizards and you were right in thinking the...
Hey all getting ready to finally sit down and paint all my stuff but i have a quick question. When painting lizard men do you all undercoat in...
I am pretty sure you resolve shooting for each of the salamanders individually but could be wrong.
No need to be sorry for anything mate. We are just trying to inform :D
A unit of saurus would be more effective at pushing through zombies, but keep in mind that zombies are meant to be sponges for wounds. In my...
lol silly me. I'm a senior in college now but I haven't played consistently. Id say collectively I've have about 3-4 years under my belt
Don't underestimate the power of jungle swarms!!!. They are great to occupy a unit of 40 zombies or skellies. After this you can focus on his more...
Hey guys whats up? started posting hear with out actually introducing myself first... I guess i got a little ahead of myself and yes mikeDUDS is a...
Fielded an all skink army before? I am very curious to the outcome if so. I have always been a fan of the models and special rules for a lot of...
Hey, all just hopped back in to WH recently ecstatic to see a new rule book! Went out and bought it and made up this army list for a large battle...