Enjoy the rest of your days Raja. Spoil him often!
Finished my Nurgle Rotspawn for my Nurgle BB team. Just need to base him/her/it. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I have been painting since the early 1980's. While I have improved greatly since my first miniatures I have recently realised that while I paint...
And some old Wilhelm Chaney models for previous editions of BB: Excuse painting quality. These were done back in the 80's [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And...
And just of interest: Some old school Citadel models I found in an archived storage box. Excuse painting quality. I did these back in the...
Updated the coach model for my gobbo BB team. The old coach is now the apothecary New coach [ATTACH] Now the Apothecary [ATTACH] Gobbo Player and...
Finished my Wood Elf Blood Bowl team (almost - still have one tree to paint) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Great movie. Tom Hardy is brilliant
Haven't been able to do anything the last few days. Fighting the dreaded Covid. No energy whatsoever
Great movie. Based on King Lear
A bit too close to the rocks
We are adept at standing on our heads from an early age Actually we are the right way up
Sorry to hear that mate. We recently lost a cat to cancer. The loss of any pet hurts. However the upside we now have lovely rescue cats we adopted...
With the cost of Forgeworld BB models I may be converting one of these. Five minis for about the cost of one [IMG]
God help us. Please DO NOT give GW any more STUPID ideas
Close to completing my oversized rotspawn for my nurgle team [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Finished a treeman for my wood elf BB team. Just base to finalise [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
When Games Workshop opened its first store in Australia in Sydney, some poor kid was asked to leave a games night because he had painted his bases...
Some love him, some hate him, but Chuck Norris is an enigma... [ATTACH] When the boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for...