At first I didn't see the title. Had to look a few times before I saw what it was.
Finished my Khorne blood bowl team. "Khorned Beef" The Coach [ATTACH] 'Dog-gor' and a converted beastman gor [ATTACH] An old metal 'dog' gor...
Especially when the lights don't work and has to go through each bulb to find the one that's blown......(Sorry, am I showing my age here....)
Where's the UNLIKE button?....
SMOKIN'...... Everything is so good about this.....except for the googley eyes:rolleyes:
We too have big hats..... [IMG]
You're Welcome!
This should be in the forum about the CCP
What's for dinner?
I was going through some storage boxes under the bed when I found this. I must have painted this some time in the 80's. My take on a small...
Finished the bases for my Khorne blood bowl team. Astrogranite with blood pools and skulls. Started on painting the flesh [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Wrong on so many levels.... But very funny
Very nice minaret