Well your not painting get to it @SlanntaClause I want to see the workshop at full burn
In some part of the world they eat both so....
Nice work i dont have pictures takeing advice but im sure @Crowsfoot would dont forget to add this lovely model and all your future work to the...
Very noce i loke that the bow conversion is working for lots of people i need to get on mine
its a bit to late for the condoms that kid is already there...
Nice work buddy you a skilled person
dude yes i have not worked on my gunpla since i got gunpla fighter 3 ....
a new dad with a 3 month old i can attest to this lol
nice work I like how your giving your self a set time table..i could not stick to mine on day 2 lol
You missed that part wear they are wearing the same armor...but ya in a something like females in fantasy armor you can make everyone happy and...
I have done a lot of combat exercise and the woman that are part of it all wear the same armor as the men and most either tape down their chest or...
ok wait they finally completely put it down females are stormcast just as powerful as the as the male counterparts. But why the hell the boobplate...
Wow that looks really cool what os yhat meant to be
Fantastic work buddy im.super jelly right now....on the spider front though i always get a few lizards and release them around my house a few...
thanks all very helpful
so I want to post a link list on the first page of my blog and I don't know how to go about this... I want to have the first page be a spot were...
ahha thats was a moment of contention with the show, that's why they added the animal at the end so its always White "tiger" power and black...