It just seems way too easy to get to 10d3+ a turn with 2 Slanns if you can sacrifice every spell cast. Fill in the rest with mass Skinks + buffs...
I see Starborne as the clear winner. There are still alot of powerful buffs on warscrolls. Fangs of Sotek subfaction is really good, especially...
How can you argue that things stayed the same? 1) Our playstyle is different - Actual casting now. 2) The double teleport trait is gone. If it was...
I dont see how you can compare the old book to the new one at all. The game now for Seraphon is much different. Everyone took double teleport...
I think mass Skinks is very viable. 40 wounds for 240 pts is amazing. They deal the most damage of all the ranged options bar Sallies (I believe),...
Honestly I hope we cant sacrifice multiple spells a turn. Else we are likely right back to the passive playstyle of the Slann. I was really...
Legion of Grief has a trait that is similar to Aetherquartz. It has been a common strat to pair those for Legion of Grief players, so yeah you can.
Need a FAQ on the summoning. Can a Slann sacrifice all spells or only his first for CCPs.
I guess it could be read that way. When I read it there is just no real indication that you can do this multiple times. The playtesters on the...
Im surprised he didnt get the Orruks Warclan treatment and get both keywords, even if it meants slightly worse stats. The Rogue Idol is an actual...
Pretty sure you can only sacrifice the first spell per Slann. You could totally make a list with multiple, but there is no way you can get even...
Cold-blooded just means you dont get affected by -Bravery spells, banners etc. Has nothing to do with battleshock.
Reroll casting, unbinding or dispelling is always good. Especially unbinding with Slann being able to unbind table-wide. There are factions that...
With MSU you risk losing your dudes before they have activated since they have almost no defense. Depending on how the opponent has lined up his...
Its explained in the post just above the one you quoted.
Yeah but you can just select a different general. Nowhere does it say that your general must be X. So with Thunder Lizard you just select a Slann...
Ahhh thats true. I just double checked. It is the command trait that must be put on a Saurus General. Damn its looking worse and worse for my FoS...
This FAQ refers to a situation where you have exploding attacks on 6s, but also have something like Sword of Judgement where any 6s deal D6 mortal...
The batallions in general seem stronger for Coalesced. I was hoping to play a combination of Fangs of Sotek and Thunderquake batallion, but the...
I was hoping to use the old Tiktaq’to model as my chief, but its hard to get and no printable version it seems