Congratulations! :D Nanotechnology is pretty damn impressive to. Good luck on Your PhD as well.
I couldn't agree more Strewart. The outcome would be way different in lustria. Nothing Beats the scaley folk :D And good point as well. The...
I'm way jealous! My spring classes don't end for another eight weeks. But Good for you :D More time for wargaming!
Re: Painting schemes for my new Lizzie army Great job man :D They both look great!
I said similar, not the same. And technically the myan calendar dosn't end lol The end of the fourth Baktun of their calender is just the...
Just felt like posting this cuz everybody seems to think Lizardmen are based on Aztecs lol :D - Sotek - Quetzlcoatl (Myan Serpent God). -...
Welcome to Lizardmen :D
So far it's been the tomb kings that are rumored to be getting redone. I think it should be something else though. I agree that GW has a tendancy...
I loved Morrowind lol It had tens of times more weapons and armor than oblivion had, It didn't have a traing cap which meant you could become...
I got Into Wargaming in 04 when Me and A friend when down to a local hobby shop with his Uncle. He had just gotten back from the middle east and...
Thanks for the Primer advice :D I never thought of looking at dart frogs either
I've decided That my LM paint scheme is gonna resemble my Alaitoc Eldar army. Blue Skin and Yellow Scales. Very bright and vibrant colors to :D...
I'm thinking that for my New LM army I'm going to do a paint scheme very similar to my Alaitoc Eldar. Blue Skin with Yellow scales? This would be...
Thanks guys ;) I cant belive I didn't even think to Check GW lol And Yes, I love Terradons and will have a few, along with a stegadon. I dont...
So, I've been planing on starting a Warhammer army for some time but I've never got around to it, although I've collected 40K Eldar for 5 years....
Amazing work man, Can't wait for the Story and Rules :D