Pretty sure its 10 pts Iron Curse is 5
I was gonna suggest that too but there isn't enough hero points in 750 for a Scar Vet and a Skink Priest. I second that what your spending on the...
Defintely 2 packs of sallys, so you can have extra deployment drops. I tend to run without the skirmishers and it works for me VP wise because...
I always prefer HW/Shield. The parry save is fantastic especially when your being hit with GW.
Perfectly reasonable to go. If they complain remind them how annoying a slann can be.
I think that list is great. Your contributing one solid block for your team. And great annoying support troops. Salamanders running around...
Charmed shield and a +4 ward talisman might be better than AoD for helping with that first cannon hit. Also if your fielding a Carn you can field...
In this circumstance I think metal was the saving grace. I was able to bend the metal back to shape whereas I think a plastic model would of been...
Yep got myself bits and pieces done but not enough to submit a 200 point block. My biggest acomplisment was to final step up and try dipping some...
Hello hello!
Yeah I think 3 largish block at 3000 points is too few. I have a carn and a steg on the flanks but I think at least a 4 block (~15-20man support...
Does anyone have a rule of thumb on how many combat blocks you use at point levels? I try to have 3 at 2000 points Ie 25 Saurus Block, 24 Skrox,...
My biggest fear is the carno getting cannon'd and 400pts poofing first round. Big downside with the dual slann is you need to get some decent...
Scar Vet BSB?
Our army list has pretty pricey lords so below 3000 points it tends to be either a Slann or an Old Blood on a Carnosaur (I'm discluding the Old...
Can you explain in more detail?
I second that, hes overly safe. In TG I tend to run him Rumination, Becalming Cognition, BSB. Safe and reasonably cheap at 350 pts.
I think that the mono building being gone is the best thing, for us and for empire. They can have more fun and variety. And I don't have to get...
Further proving why Lizardmen are awesome.
The idea behind the old carried slann was cool but the frog himself i though looked almost comical :)