I think the new skinks looks better and I think the new saurus warriors look much much better. Which sucks because I own 50 of each of the old ones.
Also I don't think your second scar veteran has a weapon chosen. Gonna drop the shield and get a GW?
I would imagine so, despite the fact the steg can pivot freely.
For a caster thats so crucial to our army, the lack of protection is kinda suprising.
Looks pretty solid. I'd drop one of the 10 skink corhort blocks for Standard of Disciple on the Slann BSB (makes entire army LD 10, TG will be LD...
Salamanders are 0-1 unfort so if you wanted to have three sallies they all have to travel together. I'd vote rumination as well with the same...
Would it use the Carnosaur model?
Excellent post and very detailed. Thanks alot. I read the Eagle Tactica, I highly recommend that to anyone and everyone for a greater...
Don't forget salamanders are also dinos. I'd take a pair to try and flame down all those ressing skellies. And I'd consider swaping the extra...
Then each wizard roles a d6 and gains an extra power/dispel dice if they roll a 6
You roll 2d6 for the whole table. Whoevers turn it is gets the total. Other person gets the higher of the two dice.
"Q. Does a Horned One count a magic item for rules purposes? Or is it a special type of Calvary Mount? A. It is only a cavalry mount." It seems...
I have a empire friend who actually is very excited about the changes
Thumbs up on the teradons, set up, vanguard forward 12 and then march 20 you can be behind enemy lines pretty quick.
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks Lol, My post was incorrect I understand that now. Was just hypothesize what rules...
I ran an EOTG last week in a tourney and yeah getting first turn is huge. To the point that I dropped my chamo skinks so I would have the best...
On the redirecting front though when something charges into you skinks they'll align up but after they score a crushing victory and the skinks...
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block I think it says somewhere that characters can only join units that are of the same...
Although not very helpful to you shun the ass might be a good answer. I played vs a guy who only brought two hell cannons and a 1600 point unit...
Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block Agreed, RAW you can't but I can't think of a single person I game with that would...