The big difference is speed and flying. Two things the lizardmen lack in spades. For my Storm of Magic tourney I'm using my high elf dragon and...
Not overly helpful but the key on VC is getting to the Vamp and dropping him. If you knew he was playing you could tool up a hero just to killing...
Sallys are certianly special as they are: A template firing, skirmishing, monster with handlers. Old ones bless their cold blooded hearts
For the original topic I've been dropping rocks on opponents in arcane fulcrums and they have been taking it without complaint.
I've never had much luck with them actually. I should painting my minis lighter than I currently do because I find tha the washes darken the...
I've got my high elf dragon I'm gonna need to race to finish for our SoM tourney in november so I'll try for that.
Amazing job, nice conversion
Good to hear thanks.
Is there any reason why I can't use my drop rocks terradon ability on a unit in a building. Do I get auto hits? The logic doesn't bode well for...
Damn, well I have to say you had an excellent list to destroy him. High level magic just rolls like that sometimes.
Well damn, in hindsight I bet its just skink chiefs. I'll stick the spare priest with the Skrox then.
Hadn't played SoM till last nite but now I need to draft a list for an upcoming tourney. The bonus points can only be spent on scrolls of...
Cool idea thats for sure
Was a good thread to read but I have to say I was cheering for stegs until hoverboy slammed it home with the pg105 ruling. I love my steg I just...
Welcome to the scaly side. We are a little biased here but Lizardmen is the way to go. I also started a high elf project with the IOB and they...
Another Salamnder for sure and a slann. Agreed with other another 5 is nice. 16 is the min I'd run though (makes a a min 5 wide slann protection)...
Let us know how the tournament goes btw.
Looks pretty good, I can't remeber if the blood statue is an arcane item but if not you should take a dispel scroll And your champion in the TG...
Good point on the salamanders. Causalty required. Sounds like tons of skinks for those poison shots is the way to go. And saurus units wider...
I play vs empire quite a bit and I agree with leave the steg a home whole heartedly. One lucky cannon shot and hes gone. Solo slann is very safe...