Grats all, nicely painted
The whole character likely. Dagger of sotek is kinda cool for the lucky hero kill every now any then but is far from reliable.
I have a tourney coming up that is based on storm of magic. So it looks like I need to pick up a fulrum to bring with me. Does anyone know which...
Looks good to me I had some comments though Without a slann to dispel your'd want to bring the cube of darkness to shut down a big phase or at...
With an upcoming tournament coming up I was wondering if someone could help me list all the units that are immune or nearly immune to fire so I...
I know hordes might not be best for Saurus cause we get 2 attacks front row but I'm having issues making headway vs big'uns for example in horde...
Our group is renting a hall for a drinking and gaming tourney so hard lists are to be avoided but prizes are on the line so competive is still a...
I like the flying scarvet too. Was about to say something that gives him extra attacked would be great for warmachine killing but apparently point...
Its really an all or nothing thing. Either field 2 stegs and a carno and get them into battle ASAP or don't field any at all. Also on the monster...
I agree someway of our hero caster having more choice would be excellent. Choosing between lore of lustria and heaven would be a reasonable...
I really think you need another block in there somewhere. the 5 Kroxigors are cool but another square of 5x4 saurus warrior I think would be...
I've lately been running my slann solo but I would like to give this a try. Maybe even put two scarvets in the front to provide a one death buffer...
Your right thanks alot. Yeah that ruling only affect razordons and stand and shoot. Which is lame that one shuts down the other but thats for...
I was trying to understand the faq on multi salamander units and it makes it sound terrible. If you have 1 unit of two you roll two artilery dice...
Congrats all on the models, they look wicked. I love the idea of the priest on the steg horns. Thats wicked.
Sweet mother time flies. Time to bear down
I'm sure everyone will be fine with primer only started.
Agreed, its hard to unbiased judge an old blood on a carnasaur vs an imaculate painted skink priest
I'm trying to decide what challenge level I'm ready for. I got a couple HE mages to do, teclis and the IoB Mage. Chalax (sp) or if I'm really...
I was gonna type up a bunch of comments on how to turn this list more standard and then I was like, hell this might work just fine. So I hope you...