yep, they seem to have snagged some old 6th edition ideas along the way.
triggered... [img]
.... is "Battleline" the new "Core" ?
....Figure out what kind of army where you hoping to make ? and then figure out what bundle matches your idea.
This was my favorite combination, as this was the norm for a couple of years. With this combo we had our maximum number of equipment...
... hmm... if you can squeeze in 2 more Saurus Warriors you will have a horde. (I assume that the Oldblood on foot is taking up one of those spots)
and that's even before you add in the multiverse theories. Where there are an infinite amount of universes.
:oldman:... I'm getting the feeling that this has inadvertently become an age test...
Nothing like running on slippery rocks with your eyes closed and a lit light saber to increase your force sensitivity. (well it's either that or...
Yea that's the idea, but you can do this with a regular brush and some practice.
That depends on your painting skills. Ideally some blending between normal colors and like a bright color would be nice effect to make something...
Saurian savagery (weapon stand of Saurus weapons and skulls) Mystic Shield (made out of 4 Saurus warrior banners) Celestial Rites (engine of the...
@The Red Devil possibly.... :artist:
Cartoon Squash [img]
the post before mine.
This explains the short effective range of weapons in 40k... :meh:
ski marunez ? also how do they aim those guns ?
dang someone ease just found this...
[img] gotta love the Scotsman.