Ok, just one more Cricket Post. [img] .... er, I guess this counts as 3 though... :shifty:
... Seriously, he got kicked out for carrying off brand glue, That would not go over well in the US.
... Now If it didn't take a week to explain how to play cricket... ... and another week to play a round...
huh odd... I'll try again with a more compressed pic. [ATTACH]
Aight now, :meh: take your spam over to the spam thread.:spam:
... Is that a temple on a temple on a temple ??? :eek:o_O:jawdrop:
Well I got one and a half of those guys done.... I got distracted when my prize I won back in November showed up, so I got a free war machine...
I'm sure you could probably dig up a few episodes on you tube if you where curious. Ps. Man, I had forgotten that this serious had some quality...
:blackeye:* ... workout may result in black eye and busted lip.
LOL yea they tended to cancel shows rather abruptly back then. Pirates if Darkwater is probably the most watchable, as it's he newest of the...
Maybe I convince my friends to play this version... [img]
.... I guess I should make a list: Dragon Warrior (quest unfinished) The Mysterious Cities of Gold (found like 3 of 7 cities) Thundarr the...
Well I'm still waiting on animated series from the early 80's... :oldman:
@TheSkeptic will this do ? [ATTACH]
What are you talking about, clearly I already won first. :p
Actually that one is taken... need to update the first post.... I can give you another chameleon though.