I am usting the forbidden rod right now and really likeing it. Against most armies it will give you one really dominant phase per game.
I am currently running a list with three units like that and am liking it a lot.
Overall fairly poorly, but I have had a couple of solid shots with them. One time I picked my opponent's dragon mage off of his dragon on the...
Remember that is is more deadly agaist us than most other armies.
Are you planning on casting purple sun?
The salamander is vital to this list. It helps me eat up large blocks of elite before I throw my kros into them.
Does it protect against miscasts?
I would drop the skink wiith tepok and give your slann rumination
Slann - Lore of Life Focus of Mystery Focused Rumination Immune to mundane attacks BSB Forbidden Rod Plaque of Protection Saurus Warriors with...
You could use Tichi Huich. That is what I do.
Which lore is your Slann taking?
You could shave some points with a great weapon instead of the ogre blade but then the shield would only benefit you outside of combat.
Not sure if the cloak of feathers is necessary. you could probably drop that and get your sallie another handler. and give him a 15 point item...
I suffered my first loss last night against HE. I think is was mainly to three really bad magic phases. I rolled a 1 and a 2 for one and a 3 and...
Thanks! Unfortunately I only have 2 more of the 7th ed. They look so much more BA than the others. I like the 5th ed ones quite a bit too, but...
They are actually things I got from the craft area at wal-mart. it is like fake grass stuff to decorate with or something.
http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5049 I finished an Albino 7th ed Krox to be one of my ancients.
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I will post some pics when I am finished. I have 3 7th ed that will be my ancients as they are a lot more beefcake than the others.
HAha of course! xD They should never be behind there in the first place ;) sso what do I have to worry about? xD I had to buy a few krox to...