I wish that were true! As that would be Sweet. Oxyotl replaces his one rule with that, which is basically the same thing. The Horned one ruling...
Skinks have worked really well for me against ogres. Lots of poisoned shots on things with low to no armor.
I will try and snap a pic.
I have a very white trash army transport system. I juse a budweiser case ad fill it with a craft box lined with foam as well as various boxes...
The sword that give initiative 10 could help. Cut down some of the guys first at least.
Austin, MN - USA
What about causing fear in skaven? I have been seeing them quite a bit lately at tourneys and it sounds like 8th will make them even better.
Old Blood Golden Seal Sword Armor of the Lucky Adventurer Pond Stone Cold One Shield Skink Chief Dagger of Sotek Enchanted Shield Light Armour...
I just played with the Staff of the Lost Suns last night for the first time. Does the bearer suffer a penalty for multiple shots when firing it?...
I am really liking the BSB with HotCO and Great Weapon. He never dies in combat for me.
We are about to get pounded with snow which will make holiday travel difficult.
It is a composition scoring system. Here is a link: http://www.adepticon.org/wpfiles/2010/wpscomp.pdf
I suffered a loss to High Elfs. It made me think I should add the sun standard of Chotec, so I did. This does drop me a point in comp though....
I changed the list a bt and got a couple of games this weekend against Warriors of Chaos and had great success. Scar Vet - CO - LA - Sword of...
It looks like Adeptiocn is using WPS this year, so I am trying to make a list that will get me the full 25 comp points. In order to do this I...
I don't remember where I finished exactly. There were like 100 players in the main tourney. I was middleish? Like 67 or something? It was my...
Thanks guys. It was a lot of fun and played out quickly.
Well either way really:) We are planning on going to Adepticon this year again. That is really worth the trip. I go to Gen Con every year too.
Yeah it was really fun. Really, I think Teclis best shot against the Slann is to get the PoS off. Since he has multi wounds and a ward save, he...