I listen to Worlds End sometimes too, but I sometimes skip it if they aren't talking about Fantasy much.
I am also a fan, but sometimes the accents and or slang can distract me. I also listend ot Bad Dice out of the UK and Miscast Podcast and...
This is kind of a sad thread now:(
I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. I am listening to Cake right now.
It is a beautiful day today at 63 degrees and mostly cloudy.
The red one is like half the size jut for starters. They look way different.
Re: My lizardmen army (many heavy pics) There is one in the picture above.
Re: My lizardmen army (many heavy pics) It is possibly he just acquired older models. It is easy to get a hold of them, especially the...
Good job!
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't have any Ogre Bulls though. I suppose I would have to pick some up along with the book in order to field...
Anyone Going? I think I am going to enter 3 Warhammer Tourneys and 1 Heroscape Tourney. Let me know what you think of my lists. One tourney is a...
That is too many pts. though.
I think you went over the pts. allowance for your Old Blood there, also, the carnosaur pendant is a little redundant since he will be on the...
In the last tourney I was in I ran a pack of 2 with 6 handlers and a pack on one with 4 handlers. I thought it worked pretty well.
I ran into a tough WoC army at the last tourney I went to. It just blitzed me. We did pretty well in combat against them, but at the end of the...
It sounds like he is talking about flanking his Slann with the Carnasuar and an EotG. Not having a Slann ride one.
Life is one of my favorites. A slann with the extra die per spell could attempt and possibly cast every spell in the lore.
I can't agree with you more than that, the new ones are ugly as ****. Also like the old style slann, you don't see them that often anymore. but...
The new salamanders are ugly. I can try and post some more pics of the whole army and the EotG. Also, unfortunately somehow my Salamanders got...
I REALLY like the yellow skink. It looks like he could use a little more shading on the scaleys on his leg.