Got to build some Stormcast for my opponent, he spent ages poking me about a game then he turns round and says he can't remember what he has......
@Nightclaw Many thanks! I start off by making the basic 'armature using the zsphere tool and then making the adaptive skin once it's there,...
Back to arranging my game, 1000 AoS. Possibly on the 11th, friend just wouldn't stop pestering me about it. Now time to make a list that will slap...
Still in the deep thoughts on confirming the last of the major spawnings So chucking this idea out here, how would one like these cursed...
Current WIP of the Chaq'Kai Skink character [ATTACH] Bears a striking resemblance to the model I converted ages ago ;)
Still in this deep thought on what to do for the final Lizard fluff army, got two 'good' and one 'evil' so need another evil. Can't seem to get a...
Many thanks! Well still learning and all, doesn't really suit the whole speed of a Salamander. Unless looks deceive well Update: Next on the...
I don't really sculpt much in the 3D digital area but slowly want to get back into it, mostly worked with Maya and Sculptris in the past now that...
Should be doing some painting today, got two wolves to paint for the board. These should be very quick to do as they are statues [ATTACH]...
Brought some Zombies for my AoP board and some Screamers of Tzeentch for my mixed Beastmen army today. Will try and build them later.
Looks like more sticky notes to write out for the book, no wonder I'm not much in the mood for a game yet, so many things to keep track of at the...
Got family coming down for a few days or so. Much won't be done, really want to pick the pace up a bit and get a lot more done for the AoP, the...
Oooooo that sounds like a little fun list, need that permission to bring the Saurian though but he may say he will have fun blowing it up. Was...
So the models are up on preorder/Made to order Settra is £30 Khalida is £15 This is for UK Brought those two and the zombie dragon I noticed...
Might have to do that the next time I build one of these kits. Just this one will be harder now haha. The paints it came with are not a great...
The legs have these plastic joints you push in, the tail kinda just slots into two holes, the end of the tail acts a bit like a ball joint. The...
Building right now and I noticed that it's one built that can be posable. Makes me wonder how I will paint a poseable model now
My mum got me this today [ATTACH] Time for some building later on
Still trying to write this 1000 point list for my Seraphon, obvious choices are taking a Slann with Astrolith and EotG with 2 units of Saurus and...
Many thanks!