Of course there is me rambling on about the variety of lizard spawnings. Everyone wants to see more of one thing... More Tomb Kings! [ATTACH]...
Yes, I think it's to do with a mold type thing but I'm not 100% on that. There was that talk about GW using the resin Forgeworld uses but I...
Found out the points, it's 1000 so how to write a Seraphon list for it. I could squeeze in the Slann, Astrolith and EoTG but it doesn't leave much...
Well I do have some Animated Constructs, mostly Warsphinx's, Stalkers, Tomb Scorpions. I lack main units though, the Skeletons and Tomb Guard. I...
When I ordered my Morathi on Pegasus she was £25, so they could roughly be the price they were at the time before they stopped being made. Maybe.
I'm thinking of getting the Zombie Dragon and Settra, mostly because I've been wanting some of the horses that doesn't cost an arm and leg.
Looks like some TK are coming as Made to Order...
Wasn't sure where to write to here or the miniature thread but decided to write it here. So far there is 3 Lizard spawnings going strong. Swamp...
Trying to write a Seraphon list today, not sure whether it will be 1000 or 2000. Still have permission to destroy the one I am playing against, so...
Just did a test fit of the parts and it still makes just the neck big, might have to just attach the head and maybe make a much shorter neck. Hmmmmm
Trying to work out whether this looks alright or it just looks the neck and head is too big for the body. Wings and legs still need to be...
Still waiting on the weather to cool down so I can basecoat spray all the scenery, I doubt that will happen. Also want to spray some Beastmen...
A more better sketch of the Master of Beasts. Feels like I should keep the details that bit simple. He has a stone imbedded into his head and...
Did some work on the first flayer, has a rather meaty neck in the picture, once it will cure some more I will detail it a bit. These ones look...
Building some Crypt Flayers today, only have one bird head though still. Been trying to find more of the one I want but it's either out of stock...
Also with the amount you get in a box and price, well personal thought. Maybe because I'm used to Seraphon prices. Makes that bit worse when one...
Well rereading again and the spells are used if you are in that realm, so it's just the artefacts then for my Beastmen, the Hysh ones are rather...
Got my AoS stuff in the mail! Soul Wars, Handbook, Glaivewraiths, Malign Sorcery! Have the fun of building them today, except from the Stormcast....
Looks like they fixed the keywords also :D
Looks like comet will give a hard time, I wonder if my regular opponent will start including it because he has taken a liking to SCE now. Going to...