Started painting my Daemon Prince this morning, hard to work out colour placement as it's going to be painted like stained glass. This evening is...
If this is true my regular opponent is going to hate me again :D When it first came out I nearly wiped out most of his large unit and he got so...
Still crazy tempted to do something with this game, just did a small bit of replaying of the game, I would say it's like a mini tabletop with...
Got my Cold Ones in the mail![ATTACH] Going to be sitting down and having a look over, I saw that the Saurus has a horn. It makes me wonder about...
I might use Aventis's mount for my Hysh Beastmen, not sure what to use it for though. The other one just keeps reminding me of a baby version of a...
Went down and preordered today, got some freebies. One being a model that looks like the one on the preorder just with a headswap :shifty:...
Time for a little update, what is planned unit-wise so far for the first version. Still have no names for most but there will be brief...
Been working on the Stegadon, the basecoat has been shaded and the scales have been drybrushed Still need to build the howdah and crew. After...
Will have to see how many Knights I have, having a unit of 8 completed so far. There are others around somewhere, just need to finish them, then...
It would persuade me to work that bit more on the Knights but I mostly go against shooting armies, well won't hurt to try them out in a Firelance....
Adding onto from yesterday, doing my dose of research into Aztecs and Mayans, mostly about. This does give me the idea of Tombs of the...
I will have to try and write a list for that, many thanks! I just have half-built Knights everywhere, mostly the reason why I don't bring them to...
A rather random doodle, wanted to doodle a Bastiladon with an Aztec styled mask on, well not good with the details at all. A bit of a mess trying...
True, wasting the time trying to gather the points to surprise summon one. Might as well focus on the Saurus and Skinks. Local store has a few...
Painting a Stegadon today and building the first model for the Destruction army, this one I skipped the whole concept drawings for as I couldn't...
Many thanks! I actually wonder if they will be releasing the summon point cost of a Dread Saurian
Yeah when I read the warscrolls the choice of who to have as general for command abilities if I was to take Saurus. Now it's not a big choice...
The more I hear of the new edition, the more it is persuading me to start including Saurus more. For mostly more buffs and all, then take my enemy...
Love the orange eyes going on!
So in celebration of the new edition going on Preorder, it is time to see the good old Swamp Lizards to come back after going missing. These green...