Putting together a EotG today, going to painted in the colour scheme of the good old Swamp Lizards I started years ago haha. Do a comparison,...
That is also true... then I don't run a Slann. Have to build that EotG now and hope I get lucky. Cause I think it's only the Slann you can summon...
True, I run a Clan Moulder army and all those rats! 40 tiny Giant Rats. About two units of them. I tend to run the Skinks at 30 or 20, why am I...
Well I can say I am mildly disappointed with the Skinks :( I want to swarm the enemy with mass discounted Skinks! Oh well, I run mostly...
Okay, need to try and keep this updated. I went quiet fully on this project cause AoP distracted me for that moment. I decided to ask myself a few...
Was going to get some more spray and paints today but due to opening times being 12, did try waiting but my mum wasn't impressed about the opening...
Trying to find some Beastmen models to add more variety due to not many choices in the first place. All I keep finding is the very old ones that...
Found one seller in the UK, they want £7.50 for the one head, that's including the p&p. Also a seller in America but the p&p is £10 There is a bit...
Reading this made my day, poor Slann though. Great to hear that the good old jungles and spawning pools are still around, just inside the ships
On a hunt for head choices for the Crypt Flayers, hard to find a good head swap for them. Was thinking of the head from this model [ATTACH] But...
With the Bloodletters done now I've got start painting some scenery. Also wanting to paint some Beastmen but still not sure on colours/theme to...
Could try having a look, mostly using the camera app it came with
A Motorola G4, not sure if it's due to the shutter speed being too quick, making it not pick up details as much.
Done the Bloodletters/Shadow Demons just in time for Sony's E3 haha. Also tried out that mini lightbox I got ages ago. Still can't take the...
Trying my best today to finish the Bloodletters before E3 starts tomorrow, it's mostly painting the horn/banner and finishing the weapons. Not...
Brought a Daemon Prince today to make a Stained Glass Demon for the AoP board, not sure how I will paint the style of the stained glass......
Still working out their motives, unless these strange stones they have drives them that bit into a frenzy. But they need that bit more motive than...
True, thought they would like it cause they play that bit of DnD. Well it's different but I thought they would like it. Or maybe they are just...
There is a Crow on this ones base [ATTACH] Quite looking forward to what happens. With the whole any number models, I have noticed the minimum...
Well that boxset looks awesome, so does everything else. Possibilities being in the £90-100 range. Going with the Dark Imperium boxset.