A warmup doodle, one of my fave models from the TK, reference found off the image search, can't be bothered to take him out of the cabinet...
Been painting the Shadow Demons, I forgot how much yellow paint hates me, whenever I try to paint eyes that's the only paint that goes everywhere....
Painted a small bit of the Bloodletters this afternoon, looking over the instructions for the Mausoleums and I noticed many of them have...
Finally was able to go to my local GW, picked up an Akhelian King, Leviadon and the mausoleum scenery box. He was also okay with my swapping the...
If it's not windy out I might sit outside a paint my Bloodletters later on. Still in this twist about AoP board, I still lean towards the MediEvil...
Some work on some Hexwraiths [ATTACH] I realised there could be an easier way to do the bases with the tiles so they are not as wonky but this...
Primed my Bloodletters this morning and I noticed some still have some greenstuff hanging over the bases from where I did their textured base. Not...
Having this mini argument with a few over the Wraith looking models with the animal heads. I say the skulls are horses while others say Skaven. I...
I'm pretty excited myself for the Nighthaunt minis, especially the horse ones. Might have to make a full horse undead army now.
Haven't looked properly yet but update on the blog https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/11/warhammer-fest-live-blog-2gw-homepage-post-1/...
Well new edition, about time to update the Seraphon ;) Old rules in the book now when the new edition gets released.
Received my daily blessing of Nurgle but it will not stop me from doing some hobby today, hoping to start the bases for the Bloodletters and...
Should be carrying on putting the Skinks together now that the poll has ended. Never realised the first of the local GW events starts tomorrow,...
Looks like the Boltspitters and Star-bucklers will be the winners in the poll, the poll will be ending in about an hour. Also got my flagstone...
Just got back from the Cold One stables and I saw on Facebook all the upcoming events for local store. I just saw one that says about painting a...
:hilarious: Or if attaching them where they usually go would mean the Saurus would have to snap his arms back in order to play the drums. Which...
@Lord-Marcus Thanks @tom ndege Also thanks, I couldn't think of a way on getting the Knights version of the drums to work so it was easier to use...
Had to prop them up, they don't stand by themselves. Here is some of them [ATTACH] Used a Saurus Warrior drum instead of the cavalry one. Still...
Hmmm possibly, will have to have a look. Well the store is out of stock of them... Many thanks for the suggestion!
Progress has been slow, been mostly in the building mood. Going to be keeping the poll up for a bit longer, looks like Boltspitters and shields...