well against brets its easy to avoid getting charged, and when you do it wil probably be on your terms. also always challenge with the priest. the...
i had a few rant posts about lizards v. skaven 1-2 months ago, i'll look them up tomorrow and post the links also, don't charge the plague...
i dont know, don't have the army book handy right now but check the template weapons, i remember a section that mentioned you can not shot a...
its the pendant of keleth that gives the inverted ward save, the talisman of loec is a wood elf item if I'm not mistaken. also, that's not that...
one more thing regarding the salamander, you may not shoot its template weapon if there is a chance for the template hit hit friendly units as far...
the Ring of Hotek is a 25 pts item that makes any spell cast from within 12" of it or targeted anywhere within 12" of it miscast on any double,...
only engineers actually, and unless they have the warp energy condenser its even less deadly, even tough its S5. its a 30 pts item that can...
BS 3: movement -1, long range -1, multiple shot -1, large target +1 3-1-1-1+1= 1 = 6+ to hit => all hits auto wound i said 18 because you move 6"...
Unit Strenght
no, the doomwheel doesn't fire the spell warp lightning but bolts of it wich are not a magic missile and thus not reflected. also, the shield of...
large targets add +1 to hit so it ginores the range or movement or multiple shots.
there are only 2 build i know and i never tryed any of them out. one is the balde of realities and the enchanted shield and he other is the SoSR...
lore of metal is great against the ring of hotek. if its on a champion just cast rule of burning iron on him with 2 dice and hope for no doubles....
the Blade of Realities will probably kill the hydra after it hits, it only has a Ld of 5 or 6. after that you pretty much have a useless weapon...
the lore is selected before rolling for spells, before deployment after setting up the terrain. you chose the lore before you see his troops but...
regarding killing order: regular models die unless the champion is targeted, the musician and standard never die even if in the front rank as...
just try to hit my amazing dancing steg with your louzy cannons! take THAT empire/dwarf engineers!
you can have 2 arcane items as long as 1 of them is a dispell scroll or a power stone. you can have any number of these on a character and in the...
was this list created against TK? if so the sun standard was a waste of points since it didn't (or shouldn't have) affected him i have 2...
Re: Legion of Zec-Xa vs. WoC 2250 Friendly/Competitive panic may be nice, but salamnders modify armor by 3, even if it means wounding on 5's,...