1,1,6,6 is still a miscast :P its not a lot higher but the difference between miscast and IF increases he more dice you throw. miscast>IF
actually kinks often get to double shoot, excluding the obvious large targets where you have an effecive 18" range on blowpipes, you have a 12"...
metal + bane head can be nice to take out a combat built vampire and his knights. it can usually kill everything thats coming for you before they...
no special slot is used up and there is another requirement for adding krox than the minimum 3/unit, thats 8 skinks/krox the kroxigors can't leave...
i'm quite happy with heavens really. portent of far usually gets scrolled or 3 dice for dispell because i either cast it at skinks facing...
most people should ignore that unit really... i would at least. even 3 kroxigors can't do that much damage and becuase the unit can't turn its not...
also, decide on a single metaphor, if you go with 2 for the same thing its not as funny, nor is it as explicit as you would want it to be
tryed the list out today... removed the musician and the champion in the saurus unit for a dispell scroll as my opponent had 1507 points and we...
yeah... more or less. you could be hiting fleeing troops that are under 25% of the models and so don't rally, friendly units etc. it is...
the unit doesn't become subject to stupidity but follows the orders from a stupid leader... also a unit allways moves at the speed of its slowest...
isn't the comment 2D6 S4 within a D6 x #markers range?
there was another forum member that wrote a magic tactics article how each spell works in synergy with heavens and overall on the battlefield,...
the BBoC is allways on my scar vet so i can't give him that. the bests items to give him (from my point of view) are either the sword of hornet,...
it is rather clearly worded, you may place him like any other character. he is subject to all the rules governing characer with the exception that...
you do realise there is no partial effect to be talked about. nobody argues "partial" frenzy, its just that all attacks happen at once, and unless...
actually, the saurus can get the staff of the lost sun, but he needs 7's to hit without applying penalties! also, a skink character hunter can be...
what about the Commet of Cassandora? the damage come from the marker when it lands but the source of the marker is at a range. if the source is...
would the Shield of the Mirrored Pool be more usefull than the Maiming Shield? i'd lose 1 attack for protection against magic missiles on the COC...
ues the rod of storm lyestarday against DE COK, i allready drained his DD and 2 scrolls and was happy i get a burning alignment and uranons...
the only instance when you roll more atacks after the 1st rolled in any given CC round is the TK Bone Giant and the VC Vampiric Power: Red Fury....