well its more of a "gaming day" than a tournament since there will be either no prizes or nothing ubstantial to compell players to bring cheesy...
i have a tournament in 2 weeks at 1500 points. no comp restrictions but they want WYSIWYG wich is rather low because the organiser is the owner of...
uhhm, not really. a model has a set ammount of attacks when CC starts, frenzy adds 1 to them. the carnosaur inflicts 1 unsaved wound and gains teh...
halberds are worth it if you charge something that will break, otherwise i would stay with HW/Sheild for my hanvil unit to minimese the caualties,...
indeed, if you want to compare numbers have both units fight a specific one, even if its skrox/saurus v skorx or skorx/saurus v saurs.
awesome, he's diffinately(sp?) worth it now [/sarcasm]
soul of stone is only worth it against double 1's, if you roll anything else the reroll may be worse
thas becuase it doesn't really make sense, you need to perfectly charge a 5 models wide (20x20 bases) enemy unit to get all kroxigors into base to...
a slann can get lore of beasts adn use it better. he can't join units since he is unbreakable so any magic/shooting will take him down unless you...
does the scar vet have the option to use a shield? does the BSB rule restrict a shield? these are the question you must ask yourself and you will...
tiktak... the terradon special character seems rather useless tbh. he doesn't have an impresive stat line, he costs a lot, he fills a hero spot...
ignore 4+ save and 2x wounds and a 4+ save are ot statistically identical, they would be if pirnha blade caused 2 wounds it would be, but a saved...
the LM FAQ on the GW homepage, you can also find it stickied in the LM discussion forum (i think) or just go to GW.com and look under...
indeed they become stubborn when the steg joins them.
its not so usefull on a scar vet since h can get the same bonus from sword of battle + maiming shiled, while being better on the old blood. also,...
if i'm not mistaken the lore of life Howler's Wind spell ignores shooting of S4 or less at units within 12", that should take care of the flamers...
i won't comment on cogitation, i wouldn't worry about it unless he brings a supreme sorceress but it might be handy from time to time. i suggest...
you could write XHFNTHDI as long as we get what you are talking about, you posted the list for comments on its viability in a gmae not for its...
i think you should give him the sacred stegadon helm if he's your general, skinks taking terror tests at Ld 6 is not fun, same with panic tests
when i used a chief on a terradon with the staff i placed him in a 3 terradon unit. they droped rocks on a cropse cart turn 2 and untill the end...