and against wampire or 15+ PD armies :P its nie to shut down 1/6 magic phases he has, even if its just a chance
you probably wont need much GS, but finding a player is hard indeed. the only thing you would need to make with green stuff is a thicker saddle...
heres a question: i have a frenzied uni (COC's with a skink chief BSB + skavenpelt banner) that also have sed totem. they must declare a charge if...
they are actually unbreakable, they won't run. same with the furnace
its the same thing as barding, allmost, it grants +2 save but the CO only moves 7 from the start. saurus have 5+ scaly skin, 4+ shield, 2+ cold one
actually its a 2+ armor save. you you are reffering to the models maybe you can find a dark elf that likes our cold ones and you can swich for the...
well with BS 3 and forcing the steagon not to march i dont relly like the giant bow, not to mention it wounds on a 5+ lowering the chances of...
it also makes any unit he joins immune to fear and terror... not the best discipline unless you want to go with a lot of terror cause in your list
hmm.... i could have sworn it had 6, good thing mine never suffered more than 3 in a game
yeah, about that, doesn't the book come out on the 6th of february?
its power lvl is 2D6 and your EotG should have had 2 wounds left after taking 4
you know, istead just having 1 S5 shot you could have lots more at S4 with skinks... if the target has low/no armor skinks are a lot of times...
skirmishers are mandatory to any army list, while the ranked ones (fighters) are harder to use and some like them, some dont. i for example never...
very true, the BRB does say that, but it gets overwritten by our own rules i quote from LM Army Book, p 56, last paragraph in the loer right...
uhhm... nobody assumes they can outmanouver krox's, but skavens understand that kroxigors are just rat ogres with a scaly skin save. same thing...
actually skink shooting is very usefull against TK chariots with their 5+ armor save :P also, if your priest was lvl 2 you should have had 7 DD...
actually, sallys don't cause panic on themsleves when they eat heandlers, but i agree that extra handlvers are somewhat mandatory so they don't...
power stone on your priest is quite useless. you will have 2 spells to cast with 4 dice. even IF you get the most expensive spells commet +...
you can have any magical items on your BSB as long asa he doesn't carry a magical banner. if he does carry you can give him normal gear, the rule...
do try not to post individual point costs of units and items, its slightly against the forum rules and against international law