for those who don't understand the 1: choose a character 2: break the rules 3: put 2 enchanted items on the same character or are they supposed...
mass poison is fun against non-ITP armies, where you can cause 1-2 panic checks on basic infantry. against TK skinks are usefull against carrion,...
i suggest swiching a dispell scroll for teh diadem of power. you have 2 spells and 3 dices, and except the comet there aren't any usefull spells...
indeed, it would make them very weak daemons of chaos, being only able to march forward
the summoning incantantion can be dispelled. and that means 1 less urgency to worry about, not to mention not another smiting when it really...
my god, i tryed to calculate that and i got 80 (well for 5.7 wounds). i think i'm getting the hang of the math in this game, and also: thats a lot...
their general is worthless, except the 100 pts and Ld spreading, the hierophant is what keeps his army alive and he can't be sniped (well he can...
they cast their spells as bound spells. basically all their spells are like our rod of storms, charm of the jaguar warrior or blood statuete of...
well, he probably is best with the sacred stegadon helm to be teh general so he is as usfull as a saurus general. otherwise i suggest giving him a...
the only mandatory discipline for the slann is the focus of rumination that adds 1 free power dice to every spell. that one should allways be...
well, you have a 100+ point unit that is good against... infantry i guess: a) charge an infantry block to the front. lets say skaven clanrats who...
no comp system doesn't mean no ethical system. if you are the only one running such a list (one of the more powerfull and hard to kill LM builds)...
i'm really curious how the hunters spear works, last game against TK i had to decide between beasts or shadow and i choose shadow because the...
actually, he doesn't get a ward save from the war-spear, the impact hits become magical, thats why i suggested it. as for spells, i'd rather go...
skink priests: if you upgraded them to lvl 2 they will get the full benefits of the EotG. 1 extra dispell dice and such, with only 1 spel leach...
i never noticed this topic before, its from before i joined scar vet: either jag charm (he gets to fly and kill things) or venom of the firefly...
i wouldn't us a banner against that guy, 20 skinks maybe, but a banner gives 100 VP's away if you fail combat... i only have 1 question: is he a...
TG are kinda usless without a slann to make them stubborn, they are more expensive saurus with a better save, kroxigors would serve you better i...
actually, being unbreakable he can't join any unit except ubreakable units.... so he's eiher on his own or on a steggie
you know... all those rumors about no partials in 8th started from teh no partials in teh skaven book wich some poeple find overpowered. i'd at...