hmm, i need to remind my VC opponenet to check his rules again... i hate it when people don't know the rules of their own armies. mea culpa, i...
that exactly the reason closed lists are better... in a tournament scene the same items usually appear so its not so much memorising the items as...
if they get charged, run, nless you are near a table edge they should rally the next turn (Ld 6 cold blooded ain't bad) and can move normally,...
carnosaurs are S7 iirc. except the BBOC wich kills a treeman after only 3 wounds, it negates his armor save and maybe his ward save aswell if he...
the whole point of a magic items is to suprise your opponent, well some of them at least. i can't see the point of bound spells (one use only) if...
hey aren't demons, they take as many wounds as the ammount they lost combat with: unit of knights losses combat by 5: they take 5 wounds
nay, they get no saves whatsoever, they only get ward saves and regen against the general dead Ld test thingy
i really can't see any other way of playing warhammer, if both players know each others tricks it kills the purpose of half the magic items wich...
if you hit blood knights in the flank with a saurus unit and manage to kill the one who could strike back you probably killed the whole unit due...
1 more thing, the only magic missile in the skaven aresenal is warp lightning... it might not be worth 30 points to fend off the ocoasional S5 hits
actually, charging a unit of ASF black guard with an ancient steg alone is not the best ideea, it is true that impact hits go before ASF but they...
i paint the shields on the sprue usually, only porblem i had was the grey part where it was attached to the sprue had to be painted after gluing...
hydras only move like skirmishers because of the monster and handlers rule, unlike salamanders who are skirmishers 100% alltough it would be nice...
i think the old blood would have 9 after the frenzy kicks in :P also, i suggest plaque of dominion against vamps, all his characters are wizards....
if you really want to kill the VC's magic pahse, or at least the IoN spam get a diadem of power for one of the priests and a staff of sorcery on...
40mm square aren't really monster bases. while the BRB states that monsters have a 40 mm base or bigger you rarely, if ever find one on such a...
BRB: US for monsters: # of starting wounds ridden monsters: # of starting wounds +1
you do know that it doesn't really matter what magic missiles are in this context. jezzails have missile weapons indeed, but they are not magical,...
only charge small units with an EotG, anything that stays alive after the charge will probably kill your priest. unless you charge in the flanks...
you can get either a GW or AHW on the scar vet, not both:P i do suggest using those points to get a standard on your coc's. if you don't have...