Right I know I was gonna do this 1 a day but life got in the way and these take a surprising amount of time!! However I started this, so I'll...
haha right getting it done!
I love this! If and buts are the best game. Against your 1.5" back Thundertusk I'd Vortex push my basti into range turn one and drop the Dons...
There will be less tools to deal with a buffed up Kroak than before. I see the meta moving towards hoards and melee. I totally agree you take out...
Vex is there to put people on tilt straight away.. This list is designed to maximise first turn damage. Kroak can pump out the damage but quite...
I'd brag if that was my AOS tournament record pal! No worries. this year I am 16/0/3 from the 4 events I've managed to get to. Best result was 4th...
Balanced lists are where the skill is at but are at a disadvantage in a tournament setting sadly. Being a lord of cheese is undesirable though.....
Eager to hear how it fares!
Use it and let me know how you get on? I think Seraphon will be better off trying to counter hordes rather than join them. Just have to work out...
6 rippers minimum to justify 170 points on strike. I'm with Mune on that for sure
I'm leaning towards them. They pump out more damage against hordes. Seeing how Kroak deals with characters, sniping them is less important. The...
That second list is what I'd use ha! Kroak is so much better now he can be teleported, just try to keep him within 28" of the Starpriest for his...
They don't kick out enough damage for me. They are a nuisance and my thoughts are they should be used this way and not relied on. A savvy player...
I saw this list that's being banded round by the American play testers as nigh on unbeatable Blood Secrator Bloodthrone 30 letters 30 letters 30...
Very true, first turn he's teleported into a decent postion. Take an objective or near some arcane terrain preferably. Follow up turns bring up...
Jurassic Park toy dinos, the ones from the original with the frills? Mind you, they'd be better for the Salamander.. Empty cavalry bases and...
I've just seen.. I need 10 more for that list.. will be trawling trading sites and eBay tomorrow!
My only fear with bastiladons is that max sized units will be everywhere. They beat them eventually but not quickly enough. 7 dons are the same...
Kroak teleports now, teleport near arcane terrain if poss and in the middle of the board, happy days. Initially deploy deep, all dons near astro...
Sorry 4th stag do of the year this weekend and GOT tonight. . Almost finished next one