Waiting for some colors I ordered. In the meantime I am writing on my Seraphon story a bit.
Welcome to the forums! While it is possible and fun to play a "Shadowlance" as I call that list, don't be sad if you don't exactly win...
Ok I decided to post a few parts of the story soon. No fixed schedule but it will happen. I realized my story doesn't have a title yet. Working on...
I fear that the added damage and sturdiness (which seems to be the coalesced theme) will be not worth losing the movement shenanigans the...
The tokens they showed included CCP tokens, so I think it is safe to say that summoning will be a thing in some way or another.
Unless they change the warscrolls and take away one bite from each of them....
Careful optimism retained for now, that doesn't look too bad so far IMO.
Yeah, even a single Skink unit or a Razordon can severely affect a 500pt game.
Welcome to Lustria! I have seen some custom markers on here...somewhere... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/seraphon-tokens.21321/ I use...
Yeah, probably rather going to accept plot holes than make one retcon after the other. At least I am not some guy writing for a living so if...
Well, I also kinda like that idea of yours, which sounds a bit like "it takes a liar to detect a liar". Or, more emotionally speaking: someone who...
I've started the story almost a year ago. I really don't care about whether GW changes the lore in the book. If it is compatible to my story I'll...
Yes sir! Jungle Swarms for the win!
Subassemblies and secondary projects are good ideas that help me a lot. Even if they make it take longer.
That's.... a bit unsportsmanlike to say the least...
I admit I have been skimming over your latest stuff a little bit (sorry! I usually like your stuff a lot, I am just a tad busy and not a huge fan...
Oh dear... in fact it is even worse the more I think about it. Our friend @Scalenex proofread the already existing chapters. I am being a male...
Hey y'all! I am writing a Seraphon story, and to be honest I am kinda stuck. So here is the question: Would y'all prefer reading an unfinished...
I think we can consider ourselves lucky if we don't lose models in the new BT. I never even dared to hope for new models replacing old ones,...
Welcome back!