Welcome to Lustria! Some nice models you have there. :)
I fear I can't be of much use here, I have never played 8th edition.
Welcome to Lustria!
Forgot to mention: While some people enjoy that simplicity (my buddy is one of them) I like how D&D5E also allows picking a fighter archetype that...
I also watch those channels (well, except Shad, who is just wrong too often. I unsubscribed from him) and also scholagladiatoria which I would...
The cool thing in this day and age is that we can choose from, like, a dozen well-maintained systems. There's an RPG system for everyone. :)...
Welcome! Seraphon vs Skaven is classic. :)
It is the Japanese equivalent of a Greatsword while a Katana is a Japanese Longsword. Basically it is just big and strictly two-handed while a...
That's not a Katana btw. Looks like a Nodachi or so to me.
Mathematically it isn't that different from just adding a numerical +3 or -3 modifier, but it sure feels better. In general I'd say that 5E has...
The yellow colors by Army Painter that I use are also very thin. Which actually is a good thing most of the time. What I discovered is that they...
Yeah, that was pretty much everyone's problem, unless one happened to play a bard or rogue. That's one of the things I didn't like about 3.5E....
Hmm..... Future Man and DCS World (military flight simulation).... I have no clue what that would be.
Me too. I combine both though. Definitely. The thing is: a weak player can play a strong character, so IMO a not charismatic player should be...
I had to check myself. People have indeed used the general chat section for this before. Please keep in mind though: we are not a forum that is...
Interesting points! I am going to make a longer post about those later.
Ok, let's do something about game mechanics: How do y'all like traps? I have alwayws been a bit torn about them. This article sums it up well and...
To me that movie is hilarious, I like to watch it now and then. It is like an acid trip. So bad that it is good.