Welcome aboard!
No worries - take all the time you need. Your bases look absolutely stunning!
If I had to make a vote, it would probably be Defleur purely due to the method of death (and OOC it wouldn’t screw up the voting), but as I’ve...
Look’s similar to my technique - paint blue, drown in varnish and apply modelling paste. I can’t wait to see how your’s ends up!
I hope none of you are waiting for me to accuse someone on here - in an RP oriented vote, my character would be unlikely to want to accuse someone...
New Stormcast model! :D [ATTACH] She’s to be made available only at store openings. Is it me, or does the angle make her face look a bit... odd?
I’m not a 40k player myself, but I think the new release of Abaddon is probably justified- he’s such a key character in the fluff, pretty much...
Mustafar works brilliantly for Aqshy, and the picture you picked for Ghyran looked really good as well, but I feel like relying on film based Star...
The sun had not yet risen when Cordelia awoke, but nonetheless she dressed and got up to send off the letters she had written the previous night....
My personal favourite game trailer. The music, the atmosphere, all of it is fantastic [MEDIA]
I’m in the UK where it has never been on Netflix, so it isn’t really much of a blow for me, but it looks like you’re in for a binge watch if there...
Even if you aren’t old enough, you can still help by getting other people you know who are to sign up. I myself am ineligible to do this due to...
Given the size of my current collection, the amount I still have to go and my lack of being part of a competitive gaming scene, along with the...
Some more Stormcast based: [ATTACH] With regards to the horns I may eventually get round to applying the shade but for now, given the cost of...
Looking fantastic! Brilliant job! The fluff behind the Seraphon is such that in the case of many of them, they are the Slann’s memories become...
Fantastic- it looks really good!
Looking good!
Incredible! :eek::eek::eek:
They’re are all incredible, but if I had to pick one, I’d probably say the first one