Awesome!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Congratulations! Very well deserved!
For some people, time is very literally running out. Signing up could be the difference between life for them, and it’s as simple as brushing your...
The first of my Beastclaw Raiders models broadly finished (Stonehorn riders and basing obviously missing, and there’s still plenty of touching up...
Welcome aboard!
I think I’ve found the post that sums up how I feel about this whole SJW Mary Sue Star Wars Marvel ruining thing:...
Fantastic looking army!
Looking good so far! I’m assuming you won’t be going down the ever so slightly vulgar route of chopping off all his fingers save the middle and...
He does get a friend though in the form of another child who's a misfit, and he teaches him to be a clown and they go off adventuring together, so...
Jar Jar ended up being a sad clown who’s only really liked by children and that everyone blames for for allowing Palpatine into power after RotS...
What would be fantastic is if in our new Battletome, they innocently put in a spell that converts all rolls to sixes for a single weapon on the...
Can’t pretend to be in any way knowledgeable in the genre, but would this fit the category? [MEDIA] And another, in my opinion slightly better...
Incredible work!
Good luck and all the best in whatever it is you’re doing
Welcome aboard! Your name generator is very cool! I am slightly concerned by what ‘Yuqalyuqalqul-Xa the Alcoholic of the Azure City’ gets up to...
Some Beastclaw Raiders primed and ready to paint, with a few more waiting to be sprayed. [ATTACH]
In Age of Sigmar at least, having a Saurus Musician allows you to march instead of running or charging, doubling your move characteristic instead....
Although I lack your passion having only been into Warhammer since AoS, I don’t think it’s something to get too upset by. From what I could see,...
Figured I might as well end with some nice description!