With Lady Hanath having heard what Cordelia had had to say, she got up to leave, pausing to tell her to ask the servants if there was anything...
Should I do a ‘going to bed post’ or should I just leave it until ‘morning’ (fine either way, whichever fits thematically).
Not to keep pestering you, but do you still want to carry on with this, or should we just call it quits?
Welcome aboard!
It would be, but I think what actually happened is still pretty cool and deserves an on screen adaptation at some point. I didn’t think so, but...
I feel like this could be edited slightly to become a humorous introduction post: [ATTACH] Who should be who?
I can just imagine that conversations with you would be like: [ATTACH] I'm joking of course - no offence meant to either of you! :p You are...
The book it’s from is specifically supposed to be told in a way that makes him seem mythical. That, and that fact that it goes against Aftermath...
I’ve just done some calculations and while the odds are infinitesimally small, it’s possible for a Saurus Sunblood in a maxed out Fangs of Sotek...
Not a personal attack but: Exhibit A: The Jedi Path, my own copy of an official Star Wars book, released in 2010, five years before the Force...
Maybe one of the Carnosaur’s teeth were replaced by it? :p Which book is it from, because as you’ve said, if it’s recent with lots of other...
I’m not going to comment on the whole Mary Sue angle of things as it’s just causing problems, but I will say that I do agree with @Aginor a bit...
+1! Great work!
The way I did my water effects was to paint it blue and then give it several coats of varnish so it has a ‘sheen’ to it. I don’t know if that will...
Me also says I am speak good very England. Indeed good very very England!
By the way, sorry for turning everything sour again! It seems whenever I open my gob things seem to suddenly get more tense and pointed, so sorry...
In case anyone was unsure as to what the process is like, here’s a good account by someone who has donated stem cells:...
Looks pretty good to me! It’s definitely a suitably impressive base for the leader!
Fair enough! I wasn’t trying to silence your opinion, merely state my own and try to change yours, much in the same way as you do with many...