so i was looking into the Conquest GT tournament and it looks like they don't judge for composition. As i was reading the rules, they judge for...
OH!!! so i'm not cheesy... but is there anyway to be chessy with an all skink list?? maybe i could try it out. :D
well i have played two different WE armies so far. nothing to really worry about. i'll break it down for you: Dark Elves - eternal hatred (this...
now i'm curious... how is this list cheesy?? aren't skinks easy to kill?? and if i get charged i'm dead right? i'm just wondering. but yes!!...
I hope you don't mind some questions since did well with a list similar to mine. Did you find it difficult dealing with magic? Was there a magic...
camos sound good.
hey guys. so i was thinking it would be fun if i did a NO SAURUS list. So this is what i had in mind for a 2250 pts list. Skink Priest lv2,...
hey well, i finished up my tourney. i played an all chaos troll list. basically pts wise, i massacred him :droid: . but due to scenario vp,...
Well, thanks for the comments... I think my list will be fine against other opponents but you guys guessed it right, i'm worried more about VC...
hey guys... i got a tourney coming up this weekend and was hoping you guys could help me out. i just don't want to get massacred... this will be...
you should really think about mounting your characters up. skink priest should be riding that stegadon and if you lose a few of those saurus...
thanks for the assurance. i had a dispute about that when i was playing last time.
does this save against magical attacks??
oopss.. i guess i didn't read that one carefully... :D
Thanks Guys!! the Malming shield gives it a str 5 attack. it is an extra attack using the bearer's unmodified strength, so its 5. And i do want...
do you mean a character cannot carry 2 enchanted items or you cannot cast 2 enchanted items on one character?? i know a character cannot carry 2...
what do you guys think of this? bane head + blood statuette of spite?? i had the idea that i could use this against tomb kings. nominate the...
Oldblood -carnosaur -malming shield -scimitar -light armour 8 Str 5 attacks + 4 Str 7 attacks from carno Scar-Vet -BSB -Cold One -Burning Blade...
you know what's funny??!! I am a dwarf player!! that was my very first army and Lizardmen are is my second army. so i'm very familar with...
Okay, so this is what i came up with. Slann -focuse of mystery -fcoused rumination -cupped hands of the Old ones skink priest -lv2 -EotG...