well you charge 14" + 2D6 so on second turn you will charge war machines. and plus you cann boost them that war machines only hit them on 4+ nad...
my list: 2500 point Slann 4 diciplines + cupped hands scar vet with weapon that gives 2A from comon items and shield+CO scar vet with armour that...
the tower is good but i wouldnt put it on slann, i would put it on oldblood, becouse slann needs to be geared.
sorry for double post. as i said i tested my new list with 12 COC 3 scar vets on CO ant light slann. i can say only one word: AWSOME!!! you...
cannon hits only one guy not D6
well in 2000 points game you can take 13xCOC with standart and music. then add 3-4 scar vets geared to make lots and lots of S5 ataks. than...
S to small atleast S4. and you dont really know what coatl is. he is a magic being a verry verry magical being, he is very rare, nobody rides him....
throne of vines works before cupped hands becouse you dont roll on miscast table before you fail throne of vines 2+ roll if you fail it you roll...
omg, thats so cool :) im will try to go there next year!!
vapor +94514654 you are realy thinking like me :D cant add anything, i agree with everything you said and thats my option too.
Love the slann, hes so cool :) the mighty leader!
thank you i will consider it. any other ideas?
ok i played 2000 pt turney with lizards they worked wonderfull and i took 3rd place i could taken the first but i rolled the god dammed 1 on the...
ok thank you :) no bigy have to think something else
this i understand. but the question is that i heard/read some where that if your lord/hero goes over 25% limit (especialy in small games) you can...
ok i dont know where i heard it or where i have read it but it goes somethink like this: "in ~1000pt games if you take a lord and it goes beyond...
salamanders shouldnt get toned down, becouse theyre just right. if they get toned down we wont have anything to fight againts horde. salamanders...
oh and i realy would like to get lots and lots of magic items becouse we are the oldest living race but we have less magic items then others? lol....
i would like to see thunderlizard or coatl :) and ofcourse our own magic lore!!! ice and water or something like that. ability too put a lake or...
thank you very much :)