so he would get look out ser from saurus warriors? 4+ if he is 3" away?
ok, which is the slanns troop type? is it infantry or monstrus infantry? does he get look out sir from saurus warriors if he is 3" away (4+)? or...
well when comparing to WoC special chars it makes me lought, its pathetic how unusless are lizardmen chars....
why it doesnt work on chars??? doesnt it say that you have to target chars seperatly? it should work on chars and mounts.
is there a rule that lets you use shield when not cc? becouse now the rule states that you have to use special weapon if you have it, so you have...
i dont have a book, but i heard that brb says that you have to use weapon you have so TG has to use halberds so you cant get bonus from shield...
i would put CoR in bad and kroxigors in good :)
i didint say that his win is nothing worht. and i said that win againts chaos is surprising becouse he had a lot of warmashine hunters lie...
its woth if you are taing a wizard with magical item that you will need later like that staff that adds d6 PD, i put it on my skin priest becouse...
seems to me that chaos warriors had a crapy list, no ofence i play with lizards againts chaos warriors and managed to win once becouse oponent...
as i said before if he wont be able to use carpet my slann wont be turned into a frog :)
becouse hes already a frog, look at him
works great on heroes/ lords, and we will see them more ofthen now, and in bigger numbers, for eg my LM list consists of slann, oldblood, 4 scar...
i dont have a book, but if what you write its true then its lame....
ok the special rule of this lore is if you cast sucsefully you can restore a wound, question: can you restore wound to one wound unit (eg Saurus...
ok, slan cant take carpet, thats fine with me, but then slann wont be turned into a frog, beouse hes a frog and thats that. no carpet = no stupit...
ok lets say i have a unit that looks like this (O-oldblood V-veteran S- saurus C-champion): SVOVC SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS and i want to put slann in...
LORE OF LIFE hands down. the best lore there is. lore of death can kills us aswell so i wont risk it
and what good is it? as all flyers can fly threw wood easaly , and now they can see threw that would so only about 1" is lost if they stop theyr...
forgot the atacks number, kroxigors do 18 S6 hits TG only 15 S5 hits this makes kroxigors killy. but i tell you this everything needs lore of...