i though about something like this, TG unit with slann and armour piercing, but im still afraid of loss control, have to see how many i will get...
some one interested in coming to Lithunia? city Kaunas? :D its in midle of europe :)
the thing is we dont have an actual book. we played with rumors from warseer. we could see the spell but there was no casting value so we played...
im not saying that we are unable to defeat them, i had a game with chaos warriors with 8 ed and he had two hord units of 50 marauders and i...
i hope it will be erreted becouse halberds are totaly usless IMHO, i never used them exept for weeklings.
if he wont i will be totaly againts for my slann being turnned well in to him self. i will argue until my oponent will surender. its just a GW...
i hope my slann could fly on a carpet :) would be cool :) i thin it should be erreta and only where it lands those have to take I test other wice...
well halberd isnt a special weapon its just a diferent ind of weapon. a ridicoulus situation really necouse GW sell TG only with halberds and...
you didint get the big picture about marauders. lets say we have a 50 marauder unit with great weapons that is 250 pts. how many saurus can we...
certenly not. match them with chaos marauders with great weapons. the cost of them is 5 pt versus 12 pts and they outmacth saurus in I (saurus I1...
it sounds good but i dont thin that that would work that good on WoC marauder (+GW) spamm army :D i mean 400+ S5 WS 4 I 4 cost 5pts... i did some...
ok guys the special rule of this lore is that for each casualty you roll d6 and on 5+(or 6+, not sure) you get another PD. but the problem is that...
yeah its realy overpowered with the 2+ imune to miscast but than again everyone knows that and will save theyre dices for that cast. but im...
ok we have a player of O in our club but he doesnt have an army book do he uses pdf, the problem is that we cannot see as what lvl does he count...
i have nothing to say but: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
with these rules and no limit to char slots you can get one uber deathstar unit. with first rank containing 24A S8 and 10A S10 plus 10/15 S4...
if the rules states that it fights with two ranks then it will firght with two ranks, if the rule says you get addtional supporting attacks than...
nice :) yes she is. but i find chain lighting far better, he is 15+ to cast cassadora (the second lvl) 24+, with chain lightining you get d6 S6...
interesting about to wound table, becouse now there is few options when you can get S more than 10. (with wep where +1S+1A for char in base...
firstly i would like to see all the casting values of every spell :) in rumors sektion there were spell with 24+ to cast, thats way harder than 15+