how about skirmishers? they have a fixed formation? how much is that? 2d6 for all? how about %? 25% lord +25% hero or only 25% for charecters?...
i intepretate the rumored rule of braing ranks only with two ranks like this: you need to have 2 ranks of infantry (US10) for cavlary one ranks of...
if you take heavens lore take tetto eko too! then you will destroy anything. comet is a very random thing, one time she didint came out all the...
well this ocured to me as well, ass long as this is not double 6 and 1 the miscast shouldint tae over. when i played WoC he casted a spell where...
in my club one dude whines all the time when i place atleast one eotg :D i think he never won againts me, well atleast that was very long time...
they cant turn but they can wheel :)
whell in last game i charged chaos lord and one of carno wound got threw and i rolled 6, so bye bye chaos lord :) find it prety usefull againts...
oh well if thats the rules. i imagen a mage trying to cast a spell and *crack* goes his skull when a sword strikes it :D
this i understand but there is spell witch dont require los. can these spell be cast while in CC? i played a game where a chaos sorcerer casted...
ok didnt find my answer in faq so im asking here. if wizard is in CC can he cast any spells? that is i fuond a rule where he cant cast magical...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog (Image Intensive) your bases are wonderfull!! an inspiration!
i came in only in 7ed so i dont now any marks :D do they work like WoC marks?
LMAO :D well battles againts dwarf are allways the same, march march, march and in the end vattle finely!
Awsome? TOTALY!!! realy realy great job
worked prity awsome :) mirowed pool shield killed his lord mage :D
for chaos the main thing is EOTG burning aligment, no armor saves work wonders :) as for HE only played few games but i was abeginer so dont realy...
the best thing is EOTG antleast one is a must againts WOC. hold them with saurus or somebody and then blast them with burning aligment. no armor...
for fight againts dwarf i would suggest to take as many COC as you can, you need to get him fast :) and keep them buisy while your stegs get...
when i played againts them i used slann with lore of life. and used to downgrade his shooting. that is i used that spell where no shooting 12"...
the fun part is that he has just no way to beat the combat res :D i mean he could flank charge and front with the other but im not that stupid to...