goignt to use this againts WoC army woth 3xmarauder horse men 3xknights 3 spawns (meiby 2 spawns with scyla) 2 mages and a lord mage my list:...
well now i planing on playing a gam where my Tg unit gets 3+for ranks, +1bsb+1warbanner+1standart, and there will be a chempion and scar vet in...
dont like anything i hear. its still going to be a herohammer. with more stupid rules, and this game is defenetly going to be dice game.... bad...
i quote like our colde one, they are more junglely look. DE coldones look more agresive. but theres no harm to take some DE cold one and swap them...
yeah i know that but that banner is also 50 pts, so i thought i could take terror rather then fear. thanks for your help :)
there is a dicipline that your slann becomes a terror coser. if he is in the TG unit. does the terror goes to them?
i think lotr isnt that populer but if Fantasys rules are simillar more people could jump to lotr. thats what they want i guess if the rumours are true
omg. just read the new rumors in: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4565976&postcount=1 its an insanety..... what do they want 3 year...
man those kroxigors are killer!! love them!
stegadon+chief=235+55=290 x4 =1160 stegadonx4=940 3x10skinks=150
2250 pt army = 8 stegadons :)
yes you are right, my mistake. they have to rally and then they can move, when i was fast reading i misred :)
whats wrong with that? hit and run rule gives us exsakly that.
it will be imposible to hide skirmishers in wood. idiotic. i bater take then plain skinks with jevelins and shoot in to rows then to have a unit...
the newest rumor i saw is with skirmishers this is how it goes: i see it as the most stupid new rule that could happen. they will take twise...
well IMHO you did a mistake in your list, in 7ed you need to go one or the other way. that is heavy magic, or heavy combat. againts this list i...
man these are AWSOME!!! they are exactly the colour that i would like to paint my army! please tell me what colours did you use for base coat,...
i think that this fights in two ranks is speculation. i think what they mean is that they get to step up. or the horde units get to atack in two...
i would take lore of metal becouse its good for char hunting, for high armour, and for regenaration. defenetly i would take atleast one eotg. if...
i guess the battle isnt over yet if you dont write us? :D