if eotg will count for rare option (that is a. stegadon) it will be over powered becouse we could take ~3 eotg's that is quite alot on these...
im not totally reliant on my characters, but when i see i wount be able to take slann with eotg (posibly not taking eotg ever more with these...
the biggest loss with the rumoured rules i see that we will have to forget Eotg and tetto'Eko... becuse eotg costs too much and becouse...
if these rumors are true i think then GW didint thin about every army... especialy lizards. i mean no eotg? stupid. slann in TG, low atacks.......
i gues you have to choose whether to take armour save or 5+ ward save. i think this rumour shold be untrue. what canserns eotg i though of an idea...
well how did it go? have any pic of the battle realy ithing to see them :)
i tryed to play kroxi in skinks but realy didint like it... meiby dont know how to play with it. the other minus i see is eotg... i will realy...
how well we will do in 8ed? whats on your mind, share it!
salamandras, theyre great :) and stegadon, and terradons :) these you have to try out :)
thank you for your help :)
ok have a question: if i issue a chalange, he exepts, we fight, nobody dies, what happens then? infantry models fight or not? (heroes ar in...
if skin is without eotg and its alone its useless IMO. better to take one more sally
i would drop coc becouse your partner will have a better cavlary then you. i would take more terradons and defenetly more salamandras (they rock)....
sick battle :D i defenetly would like to see photos!! for how long have you been collecting lizards to get that many? im squeeze every peny and...
i realy dont like magic rumors. if they are true then bye bye magic for me. it would be better to take combat oldblood and scar vets then slann...
thanks :) i use this link quite often :)
same here....
i realy hate Tomb kings, im only begening to learn to play with lizards, its only about a month or more for this hobby and i started learning with...
it will be only new set of rules in 8ed, lizardmen book was released not long ago so new lizardmen should go out ~3years or later.