Could I find that in my local GW store or better luck online?
Hi all, Are there any books out there that are, our would be considered, canon for the Seraphon story line in AoS? I read the The Gates of Azyr...
What is Kings of War? I've seen it posted here, but I don't know what that means.
o.0 I can create my own lore?! :woot::writing:
@Warden These look amazing! Thanks so much!
Thanks man, I'll keep everyone posted with updates.
Hi all, This is my first time model painting and I really want to paint my Seraphon using Omek's Tears pattern from the Battletome, pg. 47 last...
Hi Everyone, I've been involved with nerdy stuff for a really long time, but I've never tried miniatures. About three years ago I really started...