It doesn’t, I might not do it yet but I thought it would look better
All I’ve ordered is the mdf base which I will sculpt etc
I’ve ordered some 150mm round bases that will be the bases for scenery features, the idea is to make them interchangeable by having 150mm holes...
Nice Marine, I’m the same I never thin my paints a terrible habit I need to kick which after I finish my Seraphon I will start painting in a...
@GlassHalfDeadTV Are you UK based?
On and off I’ve painted for about 10 yrs so lots of practice but the biggest thing is don’t be scared to screw things up, that is the fastest way...
Welcome back, get a painting blog started anf get those pics uploaded.
Not yet but if you backed the kickstarter you can see what you ordered.
Those look good, saddle and a skink rider maybe?
The text says it's activated in the Hero phase until your next Hero phase but it specifically says "whenever a SAURUS HERO within 20" attacks in...
That is some mighty fine greenstuff work, very nice I love it :)
It will be along the same lines yes
So after our trip to Warhammer world I have lots of ideas. The scenery will not be a permanent fixture as the height of the project will cause...
Welcome aboard, Start a painting blog and I will keep my eye on you.
Welcome aboard, are you a painter if so get a blog started.
No, the gobbos are already available
They will defo work
Better but, (always a but) I reckon your brush is not up to the job, look at his bracelets the red has gone past the edge and on to his skin, this...
Get on GW site and browse each faction ;)
Not had time tbh, played a couple of hours then not been on