They look good, I love how you have used spare parts to make models, I love doing that.
So pretty simple I'm at a point where I want to push my painting along and I want to look at getting single models/units. What model/unit from...
That's my point you can always add more later.
Get it from a 3rd party retailer and save another 20% ;)
Kolinsky sable is the bristle material.
Brushes are a personal thing, I use Windsor and Newton series 7 but I have recently tried Escoda reserva which have longer bristles and hold...
The paint needs to leave the brush smoothly so it's trial and error for the amount of water needed, aim for a consistency that when you draw the...
It will bring out some detail yes.
Only way to fix it is strip the model I'm afraid, you can never take away a bit of paint but you can always add more.
So Lock now?
Nice report and nice room ;)
Also to that what I have found recently is using a magnifying lens really does help with the smaller details, once your used to it it's a great...
Correct, throwers are very effective, I had 36 attacks on a horde of skellys in my last game the 8" range is bigger than your opponent thinks :)
He does it with patience and care and a small brush, you should watch him on Instagram or his Patreon site, just keep practicing that's all you...
Do you still want this locking?
The skull can be drastically improved by adding some highlights, drybrush it light orange then yellow on the face and tips of the flames, shading...
That's what I did, filled the tax with knights
I'm not sure what I will be doing but I hope to get a bit more done on my Lizards.
Welcome aboard ;)
God damn you @Warden