I think there was one on Dakka Dakka
I’m hoping to finish my Seraphon this month.
Sorry been on holiday, I will put up the thread in December, I’ll let you have this one @Lord-Marcus
It’s the solvents used in some sprays that can react with the resin.
Is that garage asbestos sheets? if it is be very careful not to break the panels, Shaggy looks good.
I think I'm getting RDR2 as well it looks sooooo good.
Nice, yeah green for the scythe will go well especially if you blend to bright green at the tip.
How, what's happened?
You posting off your phone?
Looks good, I would go Razors too as they don't need handlers and can do serious damage.
Nice start ;)
Thanks but if you were the Death player what artifacts would you take?, were trying for 2 games one with each army ;) Edit: I've gone with...
@LizardWizard What would you take on a Death army as above
They are the ones Woogity made, alas no longer available.
Ok off the top of my head these are the kits I have. 1 Warscryer Citadel 2 Fortified Manor 2 Deathknell towers 1 Sigmarite Mausoleum 1 Set...
It depends where your going, car journey I stick them in a biscuit tin as they have magnets under the base.
That looks really cool so far ;)
Are there any apps you can use to improve it, I use Camera+ but it's on iphone, DSLR Camera pro for google store?...
@Cageyblood what phone are you using?
That's excellent, I went to my local GW store and asked about Armies on parade and what board it has to be on, GW board or anything scratch built...