Awesome !
It doesn't matter if he passed or failed. As long he took a battleshock and you rolled higher than his roll -> D3 gone ;)
That is actually a really good comment to keep in mind and make more scenarios with !
It's 100p on the spot !
But wait.. what I was afraid was that we wouldn't have them back at all. If they are rebasing them, isn't this a good thing ? I mean same thing...
Definitely sounds like fun ! How do you cope with anti horde units ? That deal big units a lot etc ? And shooting armies that have about 30" that...
Woah you are as impressive as always @Xlanax_lot ! Truly inspiring vibrant colors ! May I ask how did you paint the Wooden and metal parts ?
Really nice battlerep, very nice photos ! Sounds like a cool game :)
We are one of those armies that start to shine when synergy happens.. unfortunately not much of synergy can be done before 2000p.. and yes they...