20 points was what I needed to feet an extra whole battalion at one of my lists even !
Yeah, totally agree with you. I could not find a solid reason to use Terra's so far. Well those 40 points might actually come in handy in some lists !
So guys I was wondering, when one of us linked the new point costs for our army, he wrote a Terradon discount from 140 to 120. I 'm guessing...
It says "that is part of any batallions included". This is why it doesn't work as you say. If I have to put the whole batallion down, what part of...
Besides the great idea for the proxy, let me tell you how awesome this color scheme is.
1) I 'll be trying a Troglodon to counter this problem ( I love skink armies anyway though ) 2) This is the reason that I probably will not be...
This is one awesome report, you kept us hanging on the ropes ! I also laughed a lot haha ! Some good lessons learnt by reading this, looking...
Paying for the sunclaw for 3 x 10 warriors is a total waste in my opinion ! Been playing Sunclaw a lot and I strongly suggest you to change either...
Excellent insight. I've yet to try a thunderbeast but your analysis is trully wonderful, thank you and please keep sharing your thoughts after...
Still looking forward to it ! :p
I would never choose to not summon all of them tbh and not just because of the fear of losing the Slann -> thus the game since I won't be having...
The reason it says spells is so that it can be clear that Slann will NOT be able to cast anything else if he summons 3 units from the batallion....
I do believe that after some months that the ones in a hurry will pay lots of money on them, they 'll make a pack with 3 or 4 sallies / razordon...
It's like 70% but could you show us a photo next to our army ?? :)
Please link to check it out ?? :D
Biggest problem of salamanders ain't even the huge dollar cost but the appearance.. like.. holy moly. I am not comparing it with the newest model....
M Hahaha good one :D
Talking about some inspiration.. thanks man !!
My opinion is that you are good as it is. You do not need the the extra damage of the prism. Besides randomness, don't forget you need to be still...