Hey there ! If you do know that you won't be facing mortal wounds it does ! I would drop the one priest for a skink priest probably though. You...
Keep your own words : it is only 1 unit per turn. Not something to be abused or broken. The rest can happen as much as they cannot. They are...
Without even trying it yet, I think you seriously undermine the possibilities. You can be anywhere on the field at any given time. For all reasons...
I 'm getting more excited by the day ! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/04/keeping-order-in-the-generals-handbook-2017/ Many...
It is exactly as you say. Unless you know what you re up against, bow is the way to go for all around lists
This list may actually be fun. I would just swap 10skinks from the unit of 20 and make one of the 30s into 40 man group. That way, you ll get the...
Ahahahah this is too good
Congratulations @Xlanax_lot ! His awesome Starseer won the monthly painting competition of Age of Sigmar official Facebook group ! Kudos !
So guys, I can tell that everyone is as excited as I am for the upcoming release of GH2 next month ! How much do you think the new point costs...
Seems like an interesting all around list. Was thinking of something similar and will definitely try it at some point
Wow this is indeed awesome and inspiring !
A really useful analysis indeed, maybe we should pinpoint it to a info section of our forum !
Solid plan but do not treat knights as strong units. They are a support unit. Will get trashed big time against elite units
The cold ones attacks is the only reason that I will field our cavarly one day. I doubt however that you ll get chances to actually attack with...
In the tournaments I've been it's like that. Since the bases are exactly less than 1", 3rd rank can hit with 2" range
I know it sounds like I am exaggerating but you really kept me hanging again ! I LOVE your battle reports man ! Thank you so much for the insight...
Don't really agree on this one I 'm afraid. 40 p is just too low and people wound end up almost not using battleline units. I believe that the...
Man ! You 've only just started and I 'm already TOO EXCITED ! Sounds like an AWESOME game. One of those you 'd expect to see to such a huge...
Keep going ! We are all hanged by your lips !
Thank you so much for the analytical response ! I really appreciate it everyone !