I 've read some things about glazing but if i 'm being honest with myself I have to admit that I still dont quite get it. May I ask how you glaze...
Yep, exactly. This is why Salamanders are not really useful right now, not until summoning gets a little bit changed at least. If they are in...
Awesome !
I 've played the exact same list in 2 tournaments but with a starpriest instead of a battlemage and had way more success than I 'd expect. Now a...
It would be great but unfortunately they reappear in the NEXT turn's moving phase !
Well to be honest, unless you are not investing to the normal skinks at all = simply using them for battle line spots and for screening in units...
I actually like this list on paper a lot. It is really Mobile and gives you lots and lots of choices to work with. I wouldn't change a thing and I...
I guess he means not right now because we will in the next months as our turn comes closer ( judging by the updates of the previous battletomes )
Woohoo ! So it is finally here, can't wait for it !...
May I ask what kind of brushes do you use for the little details ? Do you have a brush solely for these jobs so it is as good as new or Am I that...
This seems pretty good and you sir will get my money if it becomes a beautiful reality :cool:
I cannot thank you enough for this tutorial ! Thank you sooo much, this is pure gold for us less experienced people ! Could have paid for advice...
I agree with @m0gstar since you wanna go for the sally fun, you might as well invest a bit more into it ! Take more handlers cause 8" is really...
I like the thinking behind this list. It could definitely be tried ( will do at some point, Arrg so little time, so many lists to be tried )
After taking part at 4 tournaments, I really can't say we are one of the weakest. I would only lose due to my mistakes or from the top current...
Never tried list with Kroak yet, but judging from my own battlereports, I 'd say keep everything but the Eternal Starhost. Do keep the Saurus...
Excellent battlerep, really good write up. Felt like I was watching the game when happened ! Well done for the victory and really well played on...
I'd try to hardly move at all, give him priority 1st turn if possible, if not , literally stay almost still. Use the 2 skinks as chaff like you...
I think you should try again with the same list. You did not get crushed accidentally. You just lacked the knowledge of your opponents' army which...
It is a different ability. Even if he loses 12 models due to his battleshock, if you roll more than he does, EXTRA D3 models flee