That's really cool! I am interested in what they are going to do, they went from senator, to VP to well, president, it does not go higher then...
He certainly was, i played 3x6 turns, cast spells on every single turn, and only had a single miscast the entire day, which was the S6 hit so it...
Hello, and welcome to the jungle! First of all, i think as a regular tournament player that the most important thing when going to a tournament is...
Hi! Well, i won the tournament, so i guess your help did really well, help! Having 30 sauri is a massive difference, the tournament i played in...
I do not even care that this is slight thread necromancy, love that cake!
1. House of Cards (how can i not while doing a Political Sciences bachelor XD) 2. Game of Thrones 3. Firefly!
Well, aren't our lists surprisingly similiar for the tournament tomorrow ;). You only forgot the LA on the Scarvet for the 1+, else he only has 2+...
Will very likely continue with 9th and 8th, i think i will play more 8th with newer players as the rules are more well known and established, but...
Seems interesting, and i think your list should do ok? I generally tend to sway from the 1v1v1 format, as the rules really are poor at supporting...
Out of nothing i have an even better avatar! :O :D What would we do without you n810, thanks a bunch! Will now start displaying it in it's full...
So, to follow in the footsteps of Nightbringer, i think this one is worth a poll.We do have a thread discussing the matter, but i am interested to...
Well, that is a compliment to n810 if i ever saw one, i am very pleased with it myself. I actually love it how it is zoomed in like this, puts the...
This log is great. Great work again Bob!
Seems like you thought that trough, so you just focus them? Would you really call them a direct target? In my 2400P list i only have 40 Skinks, so...
Ah yeah, good point, you need something to stash Tetto in. Using his Vanguard on your COC will be great, that's a nice combo. Try taking turn 2,...
What does my fellow lizard do when he is faced with this particular nasty breed of DE? Their Doombolts hurt like hell on Skinks and even Sauri,...
With that all said, i still think it is worth having my Slann as the dude with the most expensive item, so i will give him the Ring. One might say...
Cavlist he said, and i expected at least 30 knights rummaging around the board, but there are only 10 :(. Think this is feasable, just think that...
I know this, i am not afraid to reform on the fly, that is also one of the main reasons to take Musicians. I see how taking that many sauri is...